Sewing Tools

Whenever my boyfriend and I chanced upon visiting Divisoria for him to buy his stuff, we also make it a point to visit Ilaya and Tabora streets in Divisoria to buy either fabric or some sewing tools/equipments.

Here are some of the sewing stuff I've bought in divisoria:
1. Tracing wheel
2. Tailor's chalk and pencils
3. Bobbins
4. Pins
5. Lots of buttons
6. Threads

Sewing stuff that I received as gifts:
1. Donut pin cushion 
2. Scissors

Earlier this month, I was able to visit a nearby Japan Home shop. Look what I bought:


Isn't that cute? :D Those bobbins are already winded. The pearl beads are for another felt flower project. The colored buttons are for.. wait.. I'm not sure when I'm going to use those. I just love those colors. :P Someday, they'll be useful.. Those threads are given for free with the pink sewing machine that I bought from a korean guy. I also bought some needles both for my sewing machine and for hand sewing.

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